At a time of year where all things fitness goals and resolutions are in your face, I want to share how my own perspective has changed so much in this area.
For many years, it was:
"I will get as strong as I WANT to be in order to do the things that I WANT to do.”
Now, that’s not an inherently bad goal. Fitness and strength certainly enhance the quality of life, making things more enjoyable and even creating new opportunities. But when you think that these things alone will bring lasting happiness like I used to, therein lies the problem.
You see, I’ve pushed myself to reach some pretty lofty strength and fitness goals over the years in search of happiness and to feel better about myself. But after reaching these goals, the things I had worked SO hard for did not bring me lasting fulfillment. That’s a little risky for a trainer to say at a time of the year when she’s supposed to be selling fitness? LOL. Maybe. I’m not for everybody. BUT I WILL ALWAYS SHOOT STRAIGHT WITH YOU. Plus, I’m growing in my trust with God. And I know He’s got me.
Here’s what I have learned: NOTHING can satisfy the greatest longing of the human heart --except a relationship with Jesus. Goals I create for myself have the absolute potential to become an idol in my life if I’m not careful. That’s why I’m constantly reminding myself of a greater purpose and a new perspective:
"I will get as strong as I NEED to be in order to accomplish the things that God has planned for me—and whatever that looks like (or whether I ever hit a new personal record in fitness), I am ‘fearfully and wonderfully made’ by Him.” Psalm 139:14

You are not a failure if you have tried to reach goals before and given up or thrown in the towel. And there is a Higher Authority who says quite the opposite about you. 😉 It’s time for you to step into that grace so readily available so that you can let go of that guilt and shame that you’ve let hold you back. Because guilt and shame ARE NOT from God.
What's God got planned for your life this year and those who are in your life? Whatever it is, I have found it's always better when you invite Him into that plan. Go ahead and gain that physical strength. Don't keep it all to yourself, though. Share it with those around you that you are now able to help because of it.
Trust me: when you can take the focus off of yourself a little more and realize your greater purpose--that feels like freedom! Yeah!
Sign me up for THAT fitness class! ;)
Happy New Year from Emily Ledford Fitness & Nutrition!